The greatest question of life is what good will I do with it? - Benjamin Franklin


Denver Eclectics is a group of bright, interesting and diverse women learning through programs, field trips, and life enhancing events. The goal is to challenge, to have fun and share with one another.

Fulcrum Publishing—In physics, the word fulcrum denotes the point at which movement begins. Fulcrum strives to create books that will inspire you to move forward in your life or to take action. Whether it’s exploring the world around you or discussing the ideas and issues that shape the world, Fulcrum's books provide the tools to create forward motion in your life.

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the University of Denver membership program is designed for men and women age 55 and “better” who wish to pursue lifelong learning in the company of like-minded peers.

Pandas International—A Littleton, Colorado based, non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and propagation of the Giant Panda. Their mission is to raise and provide monies for research, breeding programs, veterinary care and medicines, exchange programs with zoological foundations around the world, habitat preservation, and to increase public awareness of the Panda being a highly endangered species.

The WILD Foundation has been working for wilderness, wildlife, and people since 1974. WILD is the only international organization dedicated entirely and explicitly to wilderness protection around the world. WILD works to protect the planet’s last wild places because wilderness areas provide essential social, spiritual, biological, and economic benefits. WILD believes that intact wilderness areas are at the core of any healthy modern society.